May 2014


I have been rooted in this house, our home, for thirteen years. With all my babies...and the light, happiness, and troublemaking they bring. But it looks like we will be moving soon. Hoping that our next stop will be as cozy as this one and making sure to enjoy one last summer in this little house. And in the end, making God's heart my home, wherever we may be.


xo Maja


Viggo, making French crepes

Viggo, making French crepes

Our first Spring chick from our little Bantam hen, one day old

Our first Spring chick from our little Bantam hen, one day old

Viggo, doing "workies" with his Mama

Viggo, doing "workies" with his Mama

Annie and the hens 

Annie and the hens 

Little Houses by Tin Maja

Little Houses by Tin Maja

Little Dove and Sailboat paintings by Tin Maja

Little Dove and Sailboat paintings by Tin Maja

Packing up knitted bunny orders  

Packing up knitted bunny orders  

Clementine at the Sarabande Riding Club Awards Night

Clementine at the Sarabande Riding Club Awards Night

Mother's Day at 5 Points Market.  Looks more like Viggo's Day...

Mother's Day at 5 Points Market.  Looks more like Viggo's Day...

Cousins on Mother's Day

Cousins on Mother's Day

R + C, my brown-eyed girls.

R + C, my brown-eyed girls.